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客服热线:0755-23002007 / 23004882
首页 >> 公司详细 >> 重庆凯达建筑设计咨询有限公司
公司行业:    公司规模:    公司性质:私营企业
联系人: 岳小姐
地址: 重庆市渝北区龙山街道龙山一路5号扬子江商务小区4幢13-1
邮编: 401147
英国凯达设计集团旗下公司恺达智创 ( KAID+ACW)作为业内的知名品牌,在香港、新加坡、重庆设有分支机构。恺达智创拥有国际背景的核心团队,强大的设计实力,掌握国际先进的设计理念与工程技术,熟悉中国市场。特别在酒店、商业、豪宅、城市综合体开发、产业园区、旅游地产、养老地产、高档社区等规划设计方面独具专长、引领市场,具有卓越的市场研发、产品创新能力,为客户提供高水准的、全面综合的设计咨询服务。已设计完成大量成功作品。
The British KAID Design Group company kaid up to Chi-Chong (KAID ACW) as the well-known brands in the industry, with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Chongqing.
Kai Chong Tat Chi, has a core team of international background, strong design capabilities, mastered international advanced design concepts and engineering technology, familiar with the Chinese market. The special unique expertise in the planning and design of the hotel, commercial, luxury, comprehensive urban development, industrial parks, tourism, real estate, retirement real estate, upscale community, led the market with superior market research and development, product innovation and the ability to provide customers with a high level of comprehensive and integrated design consulting services. The design has completed a large number of successful works.
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建筑施工图设计师 重庆-渝北区 不限 不限 不限 不限 2022-06-08 展开
建筑师 重庆-渝北区 本科 3-5年 不限 不限 2022-06-08 展开
全国统一服务热线:0755-23002007 23004882
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